Friday, December 16, 2011

Growing Jack's Beanstalk

"Making Learning Whole"...Literacy, Science, Technology, Health and Nutrition, Math, Social Studies...we are incorporating all aspects of the unit on Jack and the Beanstalk into all curriculum areas!

Some students created computer projects on beans, cows, clouds, and gold, including facts and photos on a powerpoint presentation, others on Animoto.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Ag and Science Fun

Everything from insects to food. Lots of fun!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Garden Time Out of Season

Photo from WomansDay
Don't these Garden Party Cupcakes bring to mind a serene sunny day spent in your garden?

Woman's Day shows you how to "grow" your own garden cupcakes. The seed packets are made from graham crackers and frosting; the dirt from chocolate cookie crumbs; and the veggies from various colorful fruit chews (Starburst, Jolly Rancher, Tootsie Rolls) and green-dyed corn flakes!

Aren't these perfect for an afternoon garden party?

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Our School Garden: 2011

Keep North Dakota Hunger Free Garden

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Friday is Weeding Day

9:00 July 22 is you can come to weed.  Bring gloves, tools, bug spray, a hat, water, and a smile.  A bucket helps to put weeds in too!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

New York Botanical Garden

Devoted to public education and creating knowledge.  I enjoyed watching this and thought you might too.
NY Botanical Garden

Monday, April 4, 2011

Garden Spoons

Garden markers are very important to us as we get our garden started, but they're especially helpful to young students to show them what and where we've planted.  We're getting ready for our Hunger Free North Dakota Garden, and as always, we continue to combine our life lessons in with our core curriculum.  We write as much as possible and  strive to be great! 

Check out these garden markers. 

Herbs for the School Kitchen

Here's Joe, Drew, and Anna trimming herbs for Sharon our school cook. I wonder what she'll cook with fresh rosemary?

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Get Well Lisa

Lisa, Executive Director of South Dakota's Ag in the Classroom, and president for the National Ag in the Classroom Program needs our prayers, and we're happy to send them her way! We ask the Lord's healing power on you, Lisa.  Best wishes and prayers from our classroom and all of us Ag-sters in North Dakota!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Sunday, January 30, 2011

North Dakota

Edward and Josh included many agricultural facts about our state in their presentation! Hooray for North Dakota! Hooray for North Dakota farmers!

Saturday, January 8, 2011